The Bay is an alternative youth engagement program, focused on providing a place for young people to go, something to do and people who care. It’s a powerful organization that has grown at an incredible rate over the last 5 years.
The Bay’s Founder and their now Executive Director engaged us in many conversations about the burdens success has brought in their process of business and wondered if we could help. We could see in their actions and in our discussions they accurately knew what needed to be addressed, were ready to
evolve and it fit our unique skill set. So after many beers The Bay and Skate for Change have entered the Partnership level with us.
In 2016 we have taken a leadership role on The Bay’s Board and will lead a restructuring effort. We have already accomplished interviews with all staff and key volunteers/stake holders to distill a current state of affairs with an outline of the wants and clearly laid out steps forward. Through the next months we will work with everyone at The Bay to begin the process of change to help their organization raise to a new level of ability to service their community.